The World Class Traveler

The World Class Traveler

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Splitting Up The Day in Split, Croatia

Today was a day "split" between traveling in the morning from Dubrovnik, and sightseeing in the City of Split.

Split is the second largest city in Croatia.  And during this "split" day I had a wonderful time doing some site seeing on my own and discovering the beauty and history of this city.
As you can see, the beauty starts right on the shore line!

Not far from the water is the Cathedral of Saint Domniu, known locally as the Saint Dujam.  This Catholic Cathedral is a complex of a church,  and is strictly dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and the bell tower to Saint Dujam. 

Cathedral of Saint Domniu
Cathedral of Saint Domniu
As I make my way into the city, I am amazed by some of the architecture.

And then you know, my favorite, narrow cobbled streets!

Oh look, lucky me!!  An outside market!

My wandering around as led me through a park, and right smack in front of a castle!!

Where there are more vendors selling their wares!

Well I find myself at the Diocletian’s Palace, a 1700-year-old Roman structure!
The Golden Gate is the main entrance to the palace and was used by the emperor when he entered his new home for the first time on June 1st, 305 AD.

Golden Gate

click on image to enlarge

A little entertainment while strolling through the palace.

 The Brass Gate is the most popular passage way for tourists as it leads to all the souvenir shops located in the basement halls.  So down I go to see if there is something that I just can't live without!

Back on the outside of the walls of the Palace I came upon one more outdoor market.  This apparently was a good day for markets!  Lucky me!
Lot's of fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts at this one!
Well time to grab something to eat.

But I'm a little "split" on which sidewalk café I should choose!

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